Thursday, May 6, 2010


Here's a shocking, but important compilation of police brutality caught on tape that has been put together by the people at

The site has some pretty raw resources that might give someone a more visceral understanding of the how the police exercise their authority. While there is no message per se, the raw images should enact some raw emotion or reaction in the viewer to realize that there's something wrong with these.

In a world outside of New York's own police misconduct, Hispanics in a Connecticut town face the less than pleasant relationship with police officers.

"In an unusual step, the Justice Department warned the town attorney in a letter on April 15 that its preliminary review showed the Police Department was a shambles, with no modern rules of conduct for officers, no check on their use of force, inadequate training and no functioning citizen complaint system."

Taken from a New York Times article from the 22nd of April, the Latinos of East Haven have had to put up with white supremacist groups handing out anti-immigrant flyers and a negative bias from local police.

It seems to be a continuing theme that minorities are of a lesser value in the eyes of police forces throughout America.